Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Prison sex, math problems, and college walk ons.

I wish I could tell my "crush" how I really felt. That the world stops when he steps into the room, or that he makes my heart skip a beat everytime he tells me a bad joke. Actually im kidding, I dont think I will ever like someone enough to really be that lame. I really wish I could tell someone how I felt and for it to not be awkward. I rarely have feelings that I would like to pursue so why can't I tell him, enjoy a good hearty laugh and then maybe some sort of make out session? Its purely physical! My crushes last mere minutes and the fact that I have been interested in someone for over a week is making me nervous. Am I losing my cold heart and sailors mouth? Tomorrow is singles awareness day, the only thing I am aware of is the fact that
1. I really like to be alone
2. Candy is going to be 50% off on FRIDAY.
3. I am saving so much money by being single.

I remember in elementary school we were required to bring enough valentines for the entire class. So everyone got one, even the weird kid. Everyone had a weird kid. Our weird kid ate his own boogers (I mean yeah when you're 8 everyone enjoys to dig for gold but we all ate our boogers alone in the privacy and comfort of our room) and when he would sneeze he emulated an old man. He would take out this huge handkerchief and so much mucus would come pouring out. I dont know what he did or where he kept it but every day after lunch it was mucus central. I kind of wonder what ever happened to him. More so I wonder if I was the weird kid. And if I wasn't the weird kid, have I evolved into the weird kid?

At work I somehow spilled that I used to write erotic short stories to pass the time. Yes it was a passing phase but I still have a folder somewhere where I talk about Ramon the sexy x ray tech who somehow always had a quivering member (and other such adjectives to describe the male anatomy). I could go on and on about the things I like to do when I'm alone (from writing out the list of things I'd do if I ruled the world, to choreographing my own hip hop routine when I am in the shower) but I wont.

Actually, I think I will finish my hip hop routine.

Jazz fingers, and I'm out.


sabriiina said...
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Unknown said...

i think you might be the weird kid.
but i love you just the same.

jazz fingers do not exist in hip hop.
so if you need help you know where i sleep.